My Progress

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Weigh In Monday

I only have a 1 pound loss to report this week. Putting me at 194 pounds. On a good note, I am on the lower half of the 190s! I am ready to bring on the 180s!

My 1 pound weight loss can be explained and here is my reasons...I was eating the Flat Out wraps. They are super healthy for you, filled with whole grains, protein, fiber, omega-3s, 100 calories, and other healthy attributes. They have so much fiber that they cause me to get backed up, if you know what I mean. I packed on an extra 2 pounds for quite a few days. I stopped eating them and it took 2 days to get rid of that extra 2 pounds and feel like myself again. I am bummed that my body just can't handle them because they are so healthy and so delicious. Reason number 2 is that I had my weekend in Seattle as my reward for losing 15 pounds. I made good eating choices but, didn't exercise. We were hoping to get to some parks and walk but, it was raining pretty much all weekend. With my daughter being with me, I just didn't feel like it was a good idea for her sake to be outside in the rain. But, I am ok with that. It was nice to have a weekend of relaxation and quality time with my friend I haven't seen in almost 2 years.

I am looking forward to a new week, a regular week. A week of daily exercise and counting calories, and lots of water drinking.

I have been reading a book by Jillian Michaels. It's called Master Your Metabolism. I am really liking it and have learned SO much! It talks about how messed up our hormones are because of the way we eat...well the way unhealthy people eat. It talks about how if you eat healthy...meaning stay away from processed foods, fatty foods, etc. and eat all natural foods so you can restore your body and your hormones so your hormones can work the way they were intended. It goes through each main hormone and what it does, why it's needed, and what happens if it isn't working properly. It amazed me out how much and how many hormones effect your metabolism. It goes through each type of processed food and what to look for to get rid of from your diet. It also tells you what foods to add in to help each hormone function properly. It's all a bit overwhelming and I find myself questioning what the point is because it seems hopeless. But, I am determined to start somewhere and over time change as much as I can. I am committed to eating naturally, free of processed foods. That is a good starting point. Over time, I plan on switching to all organic foods, then after that I plan on switching my household products to be free of chemicals and toxins. There will always be changes I can make and that's why it's so overwhelming but, I am really trying to make one change at a time.

I feel like every week has been an experiment of sorts. I am ready to get it all figured out. I am ready to be well educated and informed on all things health and fitness. I am ready to have one solid week of making great choices and doing exactly right by my body. I am ready to know exactly how my body works and what is good for it and not good for it. Obviously, I know that pretzels are not good for my body but, I didn't know that the Flat Out wraps would be so hard on my system.

That about sums up my week. How was yours?


  1. I seriously thought I commented already on this. Guess not ... huh ...
    I've wanted to get a copy of Jillian's book but I'm afraid it would collect dust like so many others are. Maybe I'll knock some of those out and then feel more able/willing to get it! (I've got a couple books on Mindful/Mindless eating I'm hoping to plow through!)

    And thanks for all of the awesome comments you leave me. They really mean a lot!!!

  2. I TOTALLY took your suggestion about blogging my book! I've tried to start it several times in the past but it wasn't until I started looking at it like "now, how would I write about this?" that I actually REALLY got into it. It's so good I might even do a giveaway for it when I'm done! THANKS!
